This course is now sold out - please contact us to join the mailing list for the next one Ukulele For Beginners (adults) with Clara Wiseman Thursdays 7-8pm 2, 9, 16 Feb, 2, 9, 16, 23 March 2017 Eaton Park Community Centre South Park Avenue, Norwich NR4 7AZ £75 (7 sessions) If you got a ukulele for Christmas and don't know what to do with it we are here to help! This fun and friendly course is aimed at absolute beginners and will cover everything you need to know to get started with your ukulele. Places are limited to 6 participants so you will get the individual attention you need while enjoying the benefits of learning to play with others. We will cover:
Eaton Park Community Centre is fully accessible and has plenty of free parking. Map If you would like to buy a ukulele to use on the course you can order an Octopus Soprano (great for beginners!) from us here ![]() Clara joined ILOVEUKE in 2015. With 10 years' experience in music education at Community Music East and The Garage, Clara is passionate that everyone should have the opportunity to make music. In 2013 she received funding from Arts Council England to develop a series of ukulele workshops and has since brought her fun and friendly uke sessions to schools, community groups and festivals. The leader of punk ukulele band The Pukes, Clara regularly performs at gigs and festivals in the UK and Europe.
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July 2022